1. Faust, H.: Highly Integrated Launch Elements — For Best Comfort with Improved Fuel Economy. CTI-MAG, The Automotive TM, HEV & EV Drives Magazine by CTI, December 2015, S. 31–33
2. Faust, H.: Innovative Damper Solutions Fulfilling new Powertrain Requirements. 14th International CTI Symposium Automotive Transmissions, HEV and EV Drives. Berlin, 2015
3. Scheidt, M.: Pure Efficiency. Developing Combustion Engines from the Perspective of a Supplier. 10th Schaeffler Symposium, Baden-Baden, 2014, S. 42–55
4. Faust, H.: Antriebssysteme der Zukunft. Motor-, Getriebe- und Dämpfersysteme für Downspeeding, Downsizing und Zylinderabschaltung. 10. Schaeffler Kolloquium, Baden-Baden, 2014, S. 24–40
5. Faust, H.: What Transmission Systems can do for Downsizing and Downspeeding of Powertrains and Cylinder Deactivation. VDI-Berichte Nr. 2218. Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2014, S. 419–441. VDI Conference Drivetrain for Vehicles, Friedrichshafen, 2014