1. This essay is an expanded version of an article published in Russian in 1968: A. E. Gaissinovich, ?Iz istorii nauki: U istokov sovetskoi genetiki: I. Bor'ba s lamarkiznom (1922?1927)? [From the history of science: Origins of Soviet genetics: I. The struggle with Lamarckism (1922?1927)], Genetika 4, no. 6 (June 1968), 158?175.
2. I. F. Shmal'gauzen, O rastitel'nykh pomesiakh: nabliudeniia iz Peterburgskoi flory [On plant hybrids: observations of Petersburg flora] (St. Petersburg, 1874). For details see A. E. Gaissinovitch, ?An Early Account of Mendel's Work in Russia,? in Gregor Mendel Memorial Symposium (Brno, 1966), pp. 39?40; ?Pervoe izlozhenie raboty G. Mendelia v Rossii (I. F. Shmal'gauzen, 1974)? [First exposition of Mendel's work in Russia (I. F. Shmal'gauzen, 1974)], Biuleten' Moskovskogo obshchestva ispytatelei prirody, biol. ser., 70 (1965), 22?24; A. E. Gaisinovich, Zarozhdenie genetiki [Origins of genetics] (Moscow: Nauka, 1967), pp. 105?107.
3. I. N. Gorozhankin, ?O korpuskulakh i polovom protsesse u golosemennykh rastenii? [On corpuscles and the sexual process in gymnosperms], Uchenye zapiski Moskovskogo universiteta, nat, hist. ser., no. 1 (1880);
4. J. Goroschankin, Über den Befruchtungsprocess bei ?Pinus pumilio? (Strasbourg, 1883). See reference in P. A. Baranov, Istoriia embriologii rastenii [History of plant embryology] (Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, 1955), pp. 311?312.
5. S. Nawaschin, ?Resultate einer Revision der Befruchtungsvorgänge bei Lilium Martagon und Fritillaria tenella,? Bull. Acad. Sci. Imp. St. Petersburg, 9, no. 4 (1898), 377?382. For details see Baranov, Istoria, pp. 312?319.