1. ProVita (2011) Imperfect children are killed in mother’s womb [Copiii imperfecţi sunt ucişi în burta mamei]. Pelerin Ortodox
2. Lica C (2011) Can physicians refuse abortion on moral grounds? [Pot refuza medicii avortul din motive de conştiinţă?]. EVZ
3. Lica (2011) The refusal of a gynecologist from a public hospital to perform an abortion on religious grounds is similar to the refusal of a military enrolled in the Romanian army to make use of its weapon on religious grounds [Refuzul medicului ginecolog angajat într-un spital public de a efectua avort pe motive religioase poate fi comparat cu refuzul unui cadru militar angajat în Armata României de a face uz de armă tot pe motive religioase.]. EVZ
4. Lica (2009) Penal Code [Codul Penal al Romaniei] 286/2009
5. Lica (2006) Law regarding the healthcare system reform [Legea privind reforma in domeniul sanitar] 95