A comparative review on Ayam Cemani chicken — A comparison with the most common chicken species in terms of nutritional values, LCA, price and consumer acceptance


Siddiqui Shahida AnushaORCID,Toppi ValeriaORCID,Syiffah LayyinatusORCID


AbstractChickens are definitely among the most prevalent and broadly distributed domestic species. Among these, Ayam Cemani, also known as black chicken, is a rare Indonesian chicken breed originating from the island of Java. The main characteristic of this breed is that the body, both internally and externally, is entirely black. This is due to a condition named fibro melanosis, in which there is an over accumulation of melanin pigment in body tissues. In addition to this, Ayam Cemani meat results to be also higher in protein content and lower in fat. Moreover, Ayam Cemani meat is also known to have antioxidant and glucose-binding capacities. These properties make it very desirable within the market and consequently very expensive. Their meat is also used traditionally by tribal healers in the treatment of some chronic illnesses. In general, compared to other chicken species, the Ayam Cemani showed an higher genetic resistance to some infectious diseases commonly affecting poultry species. As regard the breeding, Ayam Cemani is a unique breed which may only be raised in specific locations, characterized to be a slowly growing breed with a lower body weight in comparison to the other poultry breeds. Nowadays, due to an improvement in the management, the nutrition and diseases control, it is possible to enhance their productivity. To date, there are not many studies in the literature on the specific breed of Ayam Cemani. For this reason, this review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of all the knowledge of the Ayam Cemani breed, the nutritional composition of the meat and consumer acceptance. Graphical abstract Overview of Ayam Cemani origin and uses


Technische Universität München


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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