The potential of pumice as a litter material and its influence on growth performance, carcass parameters, litter quality traits, behavior, and welfare in broiler chickens
Container-title:Tropical Animal Health and Production
Short-container-title:Trop Anim Health Prod
Duman MustafaORCID, Şekeroğlu AhmetORCID, Tainika BrianORCID
AbstractThis study evaluated the possibilities of pumice (light stones) as litter material in broiler production. Experimental treatments included wood shavings (WS), acidic pumice (AP), and basic pumice (BP) alone, and in combination; wood shaving + acidic pumice (WSAP) and wood shaving + basic pumice (WSBP) in a ratio of 1:1. Two trials were performed, one in summer, and the other in winter. Each trial involved 750 mixed-sex Ross (308) broilers. Also, there were 15 replicate pens with 50 broilers and a stocking density of 12.5 birds/m2 for each pen at the beginning of each trial. Performance, litter quality, carcass parameters, body and leg abnormalities, body temperature, fear and stress responses, proportional asymmetry, and some behavior expressions were investigated. The litter treatment influenced the final live body weight, litter moisture, ammonia concentration, footpad dermatitis, hock burn, breast blister, hot carcass yield, heart, liver, spleen, abdominal fat, wing and neck ratio, breast and back cleanliness, and the expression of dust bathing and foraging behaviors (P < 0.01; P < 0.05). Furthermore, there was a seasonal effect on live body weight, feed conversion ratio, livability, litter pH, 42-day litter moisture, hot carcass yield, back cleanliness, footpad dermatitis, hock burn, footpad temperature, heterophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, and expression of pecking behavior (P < 0.01; P < 0.05). It is suggested that acidic pumice stone alone or in a mixture with wood shavings could be used as a reliable litter material, alternative to wood shavings.
Nigde Omer Halisdemir University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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