AbstractThe objective of this study was to quantify the economic utility in Romosinuano production systems by developing a bioeconomic model assumed cow-calf, cow-calf plus stocker (CCPS), and complete cycle operations. Each system produced males for sale and females for replacement. Input parameters were established from breed data collected by AGROSAVIA. Revenues were estimated using the official cattle price, and production costs were quantified per activity. In the results, for cow-calf operations, the maximum economic utility was 244.12 USD. CCPS, yielded 231.86 USD, and Complete cycle, 268.94 USD. The genetic progress per generation for W240, W480, W24 and CI was + 3.8 kg, + 5 kg, + 5.9 kg, and -1 d, respectively. The price of livestock was the sensitized variable with the greatest impact on maximum economic utility (± 118.64 USD to ± 155.44 USD), followed by mineral supplementation (16.31 USD to ± 37.34 USD). The sensitized variables with the lowest impact were food (± 1.62 USD to ± 1.8 USD) and health plan supplies (± 6.03 USD to ± 9.13 USD). It is concluded that economic utility defined as a composite trait influenced by the characteristics that shape it favors genetic progress and the identification of animals with optimal performance in different bovine production systems.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
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