AbstractThis paper presents an adaption of the finite-element based beam-to-beam contact interactions into a finite volume numerical framework. A previous work of the same authors, where a cell-centred based finite volume implementation of geometrically exact nonlinear Simo–Reissner beams was developed, is used as an underlying mathematical model. An implicit contact procedure is developed for both point-to-point and line-to-line beam frictionless contact interactions, and is implemented using the cell-centred finite volume method. To enforce the contact constraint, both penalty method and augmented-Lagrangian based techniques are used. A total of six numerical benchmark cases for point and line beam-to-beam contact interactions based on the finite element method are used to verify the numerical results, accuracy and robustness of the developed contact procedure.
SFI NexSys
Irish Research Council
Science Foundation Ireland
Springer Science and Business Media LLC