1. G. Gol'dshtein. Fundamental Aspects of Reactor Shielding [Russian]. M., Gosatomizdat, 1961.
2. Shielding of Nuclear Reactors. Materials of the US Atomic Energy Commission, edited by T. Rockwell [Russian translation]. M., Izd. inostr. lit., 1958.
3. B. Price, C. Horton, and K. Spinney. Radiation Shielding [Russian translation]. M., Izd. inostr. lit., 1959.
4. A. N. Orlov and G. F. Fedorov. ZhTF,26, 1941 (1956).
5. S. G. Tsypin, V. I. Kukhtevich, and Yu. A. Kazanskii. ?Atomnaya énergiya?, No. 2, 71 (1956).