1. Lars V. Ahlfors, deKleinsche Gruppen in der Ebene und im Raum, Festband zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof. Rolf Nevanlinna, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1966, pp. 7–15.
2. Lars V. Ahlfors,Hyperbolic Motions, Nagoya Math. J.29 (1967) 136–166.
3. Lars V. Ahlfors,Conditions for quasiconformal deformations in several variables, inContributions to Analysis, A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Lipman Bers, Academic Press, New York and London, 1974, pp. 19–25.
4. Lars V. Ahlfors,Invariant operators and integral representations in hyperbolic space, Mathematica Scandinavica36 (1975), 27–43.
5. Einar Hille,Lectures on Ordinary Differential Equations, Addison-Wesley, 1964.