1. A. Paul, “Chemistry of Glasses” (Chapman and Hall, London, New York, 1990) Ch. 1.
2. R. H. Doremus, “Glass Science”, (Wiley, New York, 1973).
3. B. V. R. Chowdari and S. Radhakrishna, (eds), “Proceedings of the Seminar on Solid State Ionic Devices” (World Scientific, Singapore, 1988).
4. Idem
B. V. R. Chowdari and S. Radhakrishna, (eds), “Proceedings of a Workshop on Materials for Solid State Batteries” (World Scientific, Singapore, 1986).
5. A. Magistris and G. Chiodelli, Solid State Ionics 9, 10 (1983) 611.