1. T. G. Digges and F. M. Reinhart: Influence of Boron on Some Properties of Experimental and Commercial Steels. Research Paper 2825, Journal of Research National Bureau of Standards (July-December 1947) 39.
2. C. R. Simcoe, A. R. Elsea, and G. K. Manning: An Investigation of the Mechanism by which Boron Increases the Hardenability of Steel. Report Battelle Memorial Institute (Aug. 1, 1953).
3. Boron Steels. Panel on Substitution of Alloying Elements in Engineering Steels, Metallurgical Advisory Board. Metal Progress (1951) 60, p. 81.
4. Y. Imai and H. Imai: An Investigation on Boron-Treated Steels. I. On the Hardenability of Boron-Treated Medium-Carbon Steels, Especially the Effect of Nitrogen-Content in Steels. Science Reports Research Institute Tohoko University (1950) A2, p. 260.
5. P. J. Clem and J. C. Fisher: The Influence of Grain Boundaries on the Nucleation of Secondary Phases. To be published in Acta Metallurgica.