1. Actes du Congrès Pénitentiaire International de Bruxelles, Août 1900 [Proceedings of the Brussels International Prison Congress, August 1900] (1901). Bern: Bureau de la Commission Pénitentiaire Internationale.
2. Appelius, H. (1892). Die Behandlung jugendlicher Verbrecher und verwahrloster Kinder: Bericht von der Internationalen Criminalistischen Vereinigung (Gruppe Deutsches Reich) gewählten Commission [The treatment of juvenile delinquents and neglected children: Report by the International Union of Criminologists (German Imperial Group)]. Berlin: J. Guttentag.
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4. Barrows, S. J. (1908). The International Prison Congress: Its origin, aims, and objects together with the programme of questions for the Eighth International Prison Congress to be held at Washington, D.C., 1910. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
5. Bellmann, E. (1994). Die Internationale Kriminalistische Vereinigung (1889–1933) [The International Union of Criminologists]. Frankfurt am Main: Lang.