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2. Arglebe, C., Eysholdt, U., Chilla, R.: Pharmacological fixation of salivary glands: a possible therapy for sialoses and sialoadenitises. Effects of experimentally induced? receptor block on the rat-parotid gland (manuscript submitted for publication)
3. Chilla, R., Arold, R.: Über Sekretionsmechanismen der Ohrspeicheldrüse und deren medikamentöse Beeinflussung. HNO23, 229?232 (1975)
4. Chilla, R., Niemann, H., Arglebe, C., Domagk, G. F.: Age-dependent changes in the?-isoamylase pattern of human and rat parotid glands. ORL (Basel)36, 373?382 (1974)
5. Chilla, R., Arold, R., Flucke, K.-H., Arglebe, C.: The effect of clonidine treatment on the salivary glands of the rat. Results of biochemical and histological investigations. Arch. Oto-Rhino-Laryng.209, 47?57 (1975)