Impact of face swapping and data augmentation on sign language recognition


Perea-Trigo Marina,López-Ortiz Enrique J.,Soria-Morillo Luis M.,Álvarez-García Juan A.,Vegas-Olmos J. J.


AbstractThis study addresses the challenge of improving communication between the deaf and hearing community by exploring different sign language recognition (SLR) techniques. Due to privacy issues and the need for validation by interpreters, creating large-scale sign language (SL) datasets can be difficult. The authors address this by presenting a new Spanish isolated sign language recognition dataset, CALSE-1000, consisting of 5000 videos representing 1000 glosses, with various signers and scenarios. The study also proposes using different computer vision techniques, such as face swapping and affine transformations, to augment the SL dataset and improve the accuracy of the model I3D trained using them. The results show that the inclusion of these augmentations during training leads to an improvement in accuracy in top-1 metrics by up to 11.7 points, top-5 by up to 8.8 points and top-10 by up to 9 points. This has great potential to improve the state of the art in other datasets and other models. Furthermore, the analysis confirms the importance of facial expressions in the model by testing with a facial omission dataset and shows how face swapping can be used to include new anonymous signers without the costly and time-consuming process of recording.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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