1. See Brahams, Diana (1987) Assisted reproduction and selective reduction of pregnancy, Lancet, 1409
2. (1988) Selective fetal reduction (review article), Lancet, 773
3. Evans, Mark I., et al. (1988) Selective first-trimester termination in octuplet and quadruplet pregnancies: clinical and ethical issues, Obst. Gynecol. 71, 3, 289-296
4. Berkowitz, Richard, et al. (1988) Selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies in the first trimester, N. Engl. J. Med. 118(16), 10431047. Cf. Hobbins, John (1988) Selective termination-a perinatal necessity? N. Engl. J. Med. 318(16), 1063.
5. Indeed, the risks of transferring multiple embryos that implant in the uterine wall have been significant enough to cause discontinuation of the practice in Australia of transferring more than three embryos. I thank Peter Singer and Nancy Davis for bringing this to my attention.