1. V. V. Panasyuk, The Limiting Equilibrium of Brittle Bodies with Cracks [in Russian], Izd. Naukova Dumka (1968).
2. Collection: Applied Problems of Fracture Viscosity [Russian translation], Mir (1968).
3. V. V. Panasyuk, S. E. Kovchik and N. S. Kogut, Fiz.-Khim. Mekhan. Mater., No. 2 (1972).
4. V. V. Panasyuk, S. E. Kovchik, and N. S. Kogut, Fiz.-Khim. Mekhan. Mater., No. 3 (1972).
5. G. R. Irvin, Supplement to: Notes for May, 1961 Meeting of ASTM Committee for Fracture Testing of High-Strength Metallic Materials (1961).