1. Congress of the U.S., Office of Technology Assessment, “Advanced Materials by Design” (June 1988).
2. F.H. Froes, “Aerospace and Defense Structural Materials for the Twenty-First Century},” P/M in Aerospace and Defense Technologies}, ed.} F.H. Froes} (Princeton, NJ: MPIF}, 1990}), pp. 23–24
3. Scientific American, 255 (4) (Oct. 1986).
4. F.H. Froes, “Trends in High Performance Lightweight Metals,” Materials Edge (May/June 1988), pp. 19–31.
5. H.A. Lipsitt, “Titanium Aluminides—An Overview,” High Temperature Ordered Intermetallic Alloys, ed. C.C. Koch, C.T. Liu and N.S. Stoloff (Pittsburgh, PA: MRS, 1985), pp. 351–364.