1. C. K. Chua, and K. F. Leong, Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications In Manufacturing. John Wiley, 1997.
2. P. Hilton. “Making the leap to rapid tool making”, Mechanical Engineering, pp. 75–77, July 1995.
3. S. Ashley, “From CAD art to rapid metal tools”, Mechanical Engineering, pp. 82–87, March 1997.
4. K. R. Denton, “The economics of rapid tooling and rapid prototyping”, The Sixth International Conference on Rapid Prototyping, pp. 179–188, 1995.
5. D. Girouard, “Rapid tooling: how does rapid prototyping deliver?” The Seventh International Conference on Rapid Prototyping, pp. 269–273, 1996.