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2. W. Holtmann: Influence of Alloy on the Tensile Strength and Creep Limit of Heat-Treated Steels. Mitteilungen Kohle-und Eisenforschung, 1941, vol. 3, pp. 1–46. Abstract in Stahl and Eisen, 1942, vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 32–35.
3. G. Tammann: The Result of Cold Working and its Dissipation Through Heating. Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, 1936, vol. 28, pp. 6–17.
4. G. V. Smith: Properties of Metals at High Temperatures, 1st Ed., 1950, pp. 239–242. McGraw-Hill Book Co., N. Y.
5. F. R. Larson and J. Miller: A Time-Temperature Relationship for Rupture and Creep Stresses, ASME Trans., 1952, vol. 74, p. 765.