1. Bakhtin, M.: 1973, Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics (C. Emerson, Ed. & trans.). (Manchester University Press, Manchester, England)
2. Bakhtin, M.: 1981, The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays (C. Emerson and M. Holquist, trans.) (University of Texas Press, Austin)
3. Bakhtin, M. M.: 1990, in M. Holquist and V. Liapunov (eds.), Art and Answerability (V. Liapunov, trans. and notes; K. Brostrom, suppl. trans.) (University of Texas Press, Austin, TX). From Bakhtin’s first published article and his early 1920s notebooks
4. Bakhtin, M. M.: 1993, in M. Holquist and V. Liapunov (eds.), Toward a Philsophy of the Act (V. Liapunov, trans. and notes) (University of Texas Press, Austin, TX). Originally notebooks from 1919–1921
5. Benjamin, W.: 1936/1968, ‹Walter Benjamin Illuminations’, in H. Arendt (ed.), The Essay “The Storyteller: Reflections on the Works of Nikolai Leskov” (Harcourt, Brace, and World, Inc, NY), pp. 83–109 was first published in 1936 (Orien Und Okzident); 1968 is the English translation