1. D.C.G. Skegg, Charlotte Paul, R.J. Seddon, N.W. Fitzgerald, P.M. Barham and C.J. Clements, ‘Cancer Screening: Recommendations for Routine Cervical Screening,’ NZMJ, vol. 98, 1985, pp. 636–9.
2. D.C.G. Skegg, ‘Cervical Screening,’ Correspondence, NZMJ, vol. 99, 1986, p. 27.
3. Green, ‘Screening for Cervical Cancer,’ Correspondence, p. 968; Jean L. Marx, ‘The Annual Pap Smear: An Idea Whose Time Has Gone?,’ Science, vol. 205, 4402, 1979, pp. 177–8; and Editorial, ‘Flap about Pap,’ Time, vol. 112, 20, (13 November) 1978, p. 77. See also Gina Kolata, ‘Is the War on Cancer Being Won?’ Science, vol. 229, 4713, 1985, pp. 543–4.
4. Joan Austoker, A History of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, 1902–1986, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1988, p. 214.
5. M.F.G. Murphy, M.J. Campbell and P.O. Goldblatt, ‘Twenty Years’ Screening for Cancer of the Uterine Cervix in Great Britain, 1964–84; Further Evidence of its Ineffectiveness,’ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol. 42, 1, 1988, pp. 49–53.