1. JR Hall Jr (2008, November) US smoking-material fire problem, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
2. 16 code of federal regulations (1972) Part 1632, standard for the flammability of mattresses and mattress pads
3. 16 code of federal regulations (2009) Part 1634, standard for the flammability of residential upholstered furniture (proposed)
4. Technical Bulletin 117 (2000) Requirements, test procedure, and apparatus for testing the flame and smolder resistance of upholstered furniture. Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation, State of California, North Highlands, CA
5. NFPA 260 (2009) Standard methods of tests and classification system for cigarette ignition resistance of components of upholstered furniture. National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA; and ASTM E 1353 (2002) standard test methods for cigarette ignition resistance of components of upholstered furniture. ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA