1. J. A. Nicholls, E. K. Dabora, and R. L. Gealer, ?Studies in connection with stabilized detonation waves?, 7-th Symposium on Combustion, London, Butterworths Sci. Pub., 1959.
2. R. A. Gross and W. A. Chinitz. ?Study of supersonic combustion?, J. Aerospace Sci., vol. 27, 7, 1960.
3. ?A technique for studying supersonic combustion in the vicinity of a hypersonic missile?, Nat. Bur. Standards Techn. News Bull., vol. 44, 11, 1960.
4. F. W. Ruegg and W. W. Dorsey, Ninth Symposium (Intern.) on Combustion, General Discussion, p. 476, Acad. Press, N. Y.-Lond., 1963.
5. R. Siestrunk, J. Fabri, and E. Le Grives, ?Some properties of stationary detonation waves?, 4-th Symposium on Combustion, Baltimore, 1953.