1. 1898Gun: M. Guntz, “The Heat of Formation of Lithium Carbide,”Compt. Rend., 126, 1866–1868 (1898) in French. (Thermo; Experimental)
2. 55Her: A. Herold, “Researches on the Intermetallic Compounds of Carbon,”Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr., (7–8), 999–1012 (1955) in French. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
3. Indicates key paper Fed: P.I. Fedorov and M.T. Su, “Studies on the Lithium-Carbon System,”Acta Chim. Sin. (China), 23(1), 30–39 (1957) in Chinese. (Equi Diagram; Experimental; Indicates presence of a phase diagram)
4. 60Fur: G.T. Furukawa, M.L. Reilly, and J.H. Piccirelli, “Entropies of Some Carbides and Nitrides and Titanium Metal at 298.15 °K,”NBS Rep., No. 6645, Preliminary Report on the Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Light-Element Compounds, 10–18 (1960). (Thermo; Review)
5. 62Sec1: D.R. Secrist, “The Lithium-Boron-Carbon System,” USAEC Rep. KAPL-2182, 33 p (1962). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)