1. H.S. Rondeau, The Behavior of Nickel Aluminum in the Electric Arc Process,8th Int. Thermal Spray Conf., American Welding Society, 1976, p 282-288
2. R.H. Linger, Comparison of Thermal Spray Bond Coats,Thermal Spray: Advances in Coating Technology, D.L. Houck, Ed., ASM International, 1988, p 365–370
3. R.H. Unger, Arc Sprayed Nickel-Aluminum,Thermal Spray Technology: New Ideas and Processes, D.L. Houck, Ed., ASM International, 1989, p 321–324
4. R.H. Unger and W.D. Grossklaus, Jr., “A Comparison of the Technical Properties of Arc Sprayed Versus Plasma Sprayed Nickel-5 Aluminum,” presented at 28th Annual Aerospace/Airline Plating and Metal Finishing Forum and Exposition, April 1992
5. “TAFA Arc System,” TAFA Incorporated, 1988