1. G. Willman, J. Thermal Anal., 8 (1975) 597.
2. H. G. McAdie, Vol. I., p. 591.Thermal Analysis, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel und Stuttgart, 1972. Edited by H. G. Wiedemann.
3. H. G. McAdie, P. D. Garn and O. Menis, Selection of Differential Thermal Analysis Temperature Standards Through a Cooperative Study (SRM 758, 759, 760) U.S. National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 260-40, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.
4. V. V. Deshpande, M. D. Karkhanavala and U. R. K. Rao, J. Thermal Anal. 6 (1974), 613.
5. P. D. Garn, B. I. Diamondstone and O. Menis, J. Thermal Anal. 6 (1974), 623.