1. R.R. Boyer, “Applications of Beta Titanium Alloys in Airframes,” Beta Titanium Alloys in the 1990’s, ed. D. Eylon, R.R. Boyer, and D.A. Koss (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1993 Warrendale, PA), pp. 335–34
2. R.R. Boyer and H.W. Rosenberg, “Beta Titanium on the SR-71: Historical Note I,” Beta Titanium Alloys in the 1980’s, ed. R.R. Boyer and H.W. Rosenberg (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1984), pp. 1–8.
3. T.K. Redden, “Processing and Properties of the Ti-17 Alloy for Aircraft Gas Turbine Applications,” in Ref. 2, pp. 239–254.
4. H.W. Rosenberg, “Ti-17 Properties,” in Ref. 2, pp. 433–439.
5. A. Shames, M. Rosenblum, and W.B. Treppel, “Cold Forming Titanium 15-3 Alloy,” in Ref. 2, pp. 307–329.