1. J. Allton, 25 Years of curating Moon rocks. http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/lunar/lnews/lnjul94/hist25.htm , 1994.
2. G. H. Heiken, D. T. Vaniman and B. M. French, Eds, Lunar Sourcebook, Cambride University Press, Cambridge 1991.
3. D. A. Cadenhead, N. J. Wagner, B. R. Jones and J. R. Stetter, Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference 1972, M.I.T. Press, p. 2243.
4. D. A. Cadenhead and R. S. Mikhail, Proceedings of the 6th Lunar Science Conference 1975, p. 3317.
5. R. B. Gammage and H. F. Holmes, Proceedings of the 6th Lunar Science Conference 1975, p. 3305.