1. S. S. Kutateladze, ?Hydrodynamic model of heat transfer crisis in a boiling liquid during free convection,? ZhTF, no. 11, 1950.
2. S. S. Kutateladze and V. N. Moskvicheva,?On the relationship between the hydrodynamics of a two-component layer and the theory of crises in the mechanism of boiling,? ZhTF, no. 9, 1959.
3. G. B. Wallis, Some hydrodynamic aspects of two -phase flow and boiling. Internat, developments in heat transfer, part 2, 1961.
4. I. G. Malenkov, ?Critical phenomena in the processes of bubbling and boiling,? PMTF, no. 6, 1963.
5. D. B. Spalding and P. Z. Duffleid, Diffusion-controlled electrolysis with gas injection through the porous electrode (Paper read at the 2nd All-Union Conference on Mass and Heat Transfer, 1964).