1. G.N.Lewis and R.C.Tolman,Phil.Mag. 18, 510 (1909).
2. W.Pauli,Theory of Relativity (Pergamon, London, 1958); translation of Pauli's article ?Relativitätstheorie? inEncyklopaedie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften (Teubner, Leipzig, 1921).
3. A.Beiser,Perspectives of Modern Physics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969); A.P.French,Special Relativity (Nelson, London, 1968); F.K.Richtmyer, E.H.Kennard, and J.N.Cooper,Introduction to Modern Physics (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969), 6th edn.; R.D.Sard,Relativistic Mechanics (Benjamin, New York, 1970).
4. P.G.Bergmann,Introduction to the Theory of Relativity (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1942); C.Kacser,Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity (Prentice-Hall, New York, 1967); R.Resnick,Introduction to Special Relativity (Wiley, New York, 1968); R.Resnick,Relativity and Early Quantum Theory (Wiley, New York, 1972); J.H.Smith,Introduction to Special Relativity (Benjamin, New York, 1965).
5. V.I.Smirnov,A Course of Higher Mathematics (Pergamon, Oxford, 1964), Vol.1.