1. Armor, David J. “The Evidence on Busing.”The Public Interest, no. 28 (Summer 1972): 90–126.
2. Coleman, James S.; Kelly, Sara D.; and Moore, John A.Trends in School Segregation, 1968–73. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute, 1975.
3. Farley, Reynolds. “School Integration and White Flight.” Paper presented at the Symposium on School Desegregation and White Flight, sponsored by the Brookings Institution (Washington, D.C., 1975).
4. Pettigrew, Thomas F., and Green, Robert L. “School Desegregation in Large Cities: A Critique of the Coleman ‘White Flight’ Thesis.”Harvard Educational Review 46 (February 1976): 1–53.
5. Rossell, Christine. “School Desegregation and White Flight.” Paper presented at the first annual Boston University Political Science Symposium (Boston, April 1976).