1. FDA (2004)PAT — A Framework for Innovative Pharmaceutical Development, Manufacturing and Quality Assurance. Guidance for Industry (http://www.fda.gov/cder/guidance/index.htm).
2. Pavilion Technologies (2005)The State of PAT in the Pharmaceutical Industry, White paper (http://www.pharmamanufacturing.com/whitepapers/2005/022.html).
3. Ciurczak, E.W. (2006) Near-infrared spectroscopy why it is still the number one technique in PAT.PAT 3, 19–21.
4. Economist Intelligence Unit (2005)Quality manufacturing: a blockbuster opportunity for pharmaceuticals (http://graphics.eiu.com/files/ad_pdfs/eiu_oracle_pharma_wp.pdf).
5. Ciurczak, E.W. (2005) We all know PAT means progress and product improvement but, do wereally have to change how we do things?PAT 2, 24–25.