1. Falke, A.; Grillmayer, G.; Walz, S.; Hesselbach, F.; Eickhoff, J.; Roeser, H.-P.: LED in-flight calibration and model-based development of ACS algorithms for the university micro-satellite Flying Laptop. Italy, Chia Laguna: Small Satellite Systems and Services – The 4S Symposium, September 25–29 2006.
2. Grillmayer, G.; Hirth, M.; Huber, F.; Wolter, V.: Development of an FPGA Based Attitude Control System for a Micro-Satellite. AIAA-2006-6522, USA, Keystone, CO; AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference. August 21–24, 2006.
3. Eickhoff, J.; Falke, A.; Roeser, H.-P.: Model-based Design and Verification – State of the Art From Galileo Constellation Down to Small University Satellites. Spain, Valencia: 57th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), October 2–6, 2006.
4. Eickhoff, J.: Systemsimulation in der Satellitenentwicklung I&II – (System simulation in Satellite Engineering I$+$II). Germany, Stuttgart: Annually lectures at Institute of Space Systems, Universitöt Stuttgart, 2007.
5. AGI: Satellite Tool Kit. http://www.stk.com/products/desktopApp/stkFamily/, last visited on April 22 2007.