1. Personal letter from Igor Kirko to Herman Branover, 17 June 2005
2. Branover H, Eidelman A, Golbraikh E, Moiseev S (1999) Turbulence and Struc-tures: Chaos, Fluctuations, and Helical Self-organization in Nature and the Lab-oratory. Academic Press, San Diego
3. Some additional references of the most informative works on spiral turbu-lence and inverse energy cascades from among our hundreds of publications:
4. Branover H, Eidelman A, Nagorny M, Kireev M (1994) Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of quasi-two-dimensional geophysical turbulence. In Branover H, Unger Y (eds) Progress in Turbulent Research, AIAA 162:64-79
5. Branover H, Sukoriansky S, Talmage G, Greenspan E (1986) Turbulence and the feasibility of self-cooled liquid metal blankets for fusion reactors. Fusion Technol 10: 822-829