1. H. van Brussel, P. Valkenaers, L. Bongaerts and J. Wyns, Artificial and system design issues in holonic manufacturing systems, Proc. 3rd. IFAC workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS’95), Romania 1995.
2. See also articles in the Proceedings of IMS’98, published by EPFL, Lausanne.
3. See the article by S. Bussman in Ref.[2]. in the Proceedings of IMS’98, published by EPFL, Lausanne.
4. Recent proceedings of the European Workshops on Multi-Agent Systems (MAAMAW’94, 96, 97), published in vols 1038, 1069 and of LNCS are a good place for the unitiated to find out about MAS.
5. L. Overgaard, H.G. Petersen and J.W. Perram, A general algorithm for dynamic control of multi-link robots, Int. J. Robotics Res., [14], 281–294, (1995).