1. Physical Measurements in Gas Dynamic and Combustion [Russian translation], ed. Kadenburg and others, Princeton.
2. Collection: Stabilization of the Flame and Development of the Combustion Process in a Turbulent Stream [in Russian], ed. G. M. Gorbunov, Oborongiz, 1961.
3. A. Venstenberg, Voprosy raketnoi tekhniki, no. 2, 1955.
4. A. A. Gukhman and I. V. Il'yukhin, Basic Theory of Heat Transfer in High-Velocity Gas Flow [in Russian], Mashgiz, 1951.
5. F. A. Shaimardanov, A. I. Dekhtyarev, V. P. Kozlov, and A. I. Bannikov, Energetika i elektrotekhnicheskaya promyshlennost, no. 4, 1963.