1. Lipfert, FW. Air Pollution and Community Health. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994.
2. Federal-Provincial Committee on Air Pollution, 1976. Criteria for National Air Quality Objectives: Sulphur Dioxide, Suspended Particulates, Carbon Monoxide, Oxidants (ozone) and Nitrogen Dioxide. Reports to the Federal-Provincial Committee on Air Pollution (1971 and 1973) by the Subcommittee on Air Quality Objectives, November 1976. 41pp.
3. Furmancyzk T. National Urban Air Quality Trends, 1974–1983. Environment Canada, Environmental Protection Series Report, No. EPS 7/UP/1, October, 1986. Inquiry Centre, Environment Canada.
4. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter. Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC EPA/600/P-95/001bf, April 1996.
5. The Acidifying Emissions Task Group. Towards a National Acid Rain Strategy, Environment Canada, Ottawa, October 1997. Inquiry Centre, Environment Canada.