1. B.C.H. Steele in ?Mass transport in oxides'. (J.B. Wachtman Jr., A.D. Franklin, ed.) Nat. Bur. Stand. Special Publ. 296 (1968) p. 165.
2. R. A. Rapp and D. A. Shores,Tech. Metals Res. 4 (1970) 123.
3. K. S. Goto and W. Pluschkell in ?Physics of Electrolytes?, Vol. II, J. Hladik, ed., Academic-Press, London (1972) p. 593.
4. B.C.H. Steele and C.C. Riccardi, Proc. 1971 Metallurgical Chemistry Symposium H.M.S.O. London (1972) p. 1.
5. V. F. Komarov and Yu. D. Tret'Yakov,Zh. Fiz. Khim. 45 (1971) 1740.