1. Bruggemann, R., & Carlsen, L. (2011). An improved estimation of averaged ranks of partially orders. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 65, 383–414.
2. Bruggemann, R., & Carlsen, L. (2012). Multicriteria decision analyses. Viewing MCDA in terms of both process and aggregation methods: Some thoughts, motivated by the paper of Huang, Keisler and Linkov. Science of the Total Environment, 425, 293–295.
3. Bruggemann, R., & Carlsen, L. (2014). Incomparable—What now? MATCH Communications in Mathematical and Computer Chemistry, 71, 694–716.
4. Bruggemann, R., & Carlsen, L. (2015a). Incomparable—What now II? Absorption of incomparabilities by a cluster-method. Quality and Quantity, 49, 1633–1645.
5. Bruggemann, R., & Carlsen, L. (2015b). Incomparable—What now III? Incomparabilities, elucidated by a simple version of ELECTRE III and a fuzzy partial order approach. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and Computer Chemistry, 73, 277–302.