1. F.W. Schweitzer and R. Livingston, “Duval’s CLEAR Hydrometallurgical Process,” presented at the 1982 AIME Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX (February 14–18, 1982).
2. A.W. Fletcher, “Future Potential for Chloride Hydrometallurgy Advances Mineral Processing” (Littleton, CO: SME, 1986), pp. 495–508.
3. ICI Cuprex Patent, European patent no. 0 057 797 (8/18/ 82), Bulletin 82/33.
4. R.F. Dalton et al., “CUPREX, New Chloride Based Hydrometallurgy to Recover Copper from SulfideOres,” Mining Engineering (January 1988).
5. R.F. Dalton et al., “The Cuprex Metal Extraction Process: Pilot Plant Experience of a Chloride Based Process for the Recovery of Copper from Sulfide Ores” (Paper presented at the Tucson, Arizona SME Conference, December, 1989).