1. W. E. QUIST, G. H. NARAYANAN and A. L. WINGERT, in ?Aluminum-Lithium Alloys II?, edited by T. H. Sanders, Jr. and E. A. Starke, Jr (Metallurigical Society of AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1984) p. 313.
2. I. F. SAKATA, ?Systematic Study of Transport Aircraft Incorporating Aluminium Alloys? (NASA-TR-165820, January 1982).
3. C. J. PEEL and B. EVANS, in Proceedings of International Conference on Metallurgy of Light Alloys (Institute of Metals, London, 1985).
4. Y. W. KIM, W. M. GRIFFITH and F. H. FROES,J. Metals 37(8) p. 27.
5. W. L. OTTO, Jr., ?Metallurgical Factors Controlling Structure in High Strength Aluminum Powders,? (Air Force Materials Laboratory, Technical Report, AFML-TR-76-60, May 1976).