1. k.hirano, Trans. JSME A58?550 (1992) 817.
2. k. tanihata, y. moyamoto, k. matsushita, x. ma, a. kawasaki, r. watanabe and k. hirano, Ceram. Engng Sci. Proc. in press.
3. k. hirano, t. suzuki and k. matsuno, in Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on FGMs, (Functionally Gradient Materials Forum October 1990), p. 351.
4. k. hirano, in Proceedings of the 5th Japan-US Conference on Composite Materials, (Japan Society for Composite Materials June 1990), p. 39.
5. k. hirano and t. suzuki, in Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on FGMs, October 1990, p. 313.