1. V.M. Adamjan, D.Z. Arov and M.G. Krein, Analytic properties of Schmidt pairs for a Hankel Operator and the Generalized Schur-Takagi problem, Math. USSR Sbornik, 15, p. 31–73, 1971.
2. R.F. Curtain and A.J. Pritchard, "Infinite Dimensional Linear Systems Theory", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 8, 1978, Springer Verlag.
3. R.F. Curtain, Sufficient conditions for Infinite-rank Hankel Operators to be Nuclear, J. Math. Control and Info. (to appear).
4. R.F. Curtain and K. Glover, Balanced Realisations for Infinite-Dimensional Systems, Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications. June 3–7, 1985, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
5. R.F. Curtain, Finite-dimensional Approximations for Discrete-time Infinite-dimensional Systems, (submitted).