1. Birkhoff, G. D.: 1927,Dynamical Systems, Amer. Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I.
2. Laskar, J.: 1982, ?Approche triple dans le problème des trois corps?, Rapport de stage D.E.A., Observatoire de Paris.
3. Marchal, C.: 1975, Survey paper ?Qualitative Methods and Results in Celestial Mechanics?, O.N.E.R.A. T.P. No. 1975-77. Also in V. G. Szebehely and B. D. Tapley (eds.),Long-Time Prediction in Dynamics, D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, Holland.
4. Marchal, C. and Bozis, G.: 1982,Celest. Mech. 26, 311.
5. Marchal, C. and Saari, D. G.: 1975,Celest. Mech. 12, 115.