1. D. L. Chapin (Westinghouse).Parametric Systems Analysis for Tokamak Hybrid Reactors. Proc. of Fourth Topical Meeting, The Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, U.S. Department of Energy, October 1980 (published July 1981).
2. M. M. El-Wakil,Nuclear Energy Conversion (The American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, Il, 1978).
3. J. D. Lee (L. Livermore Nat'l Lab), and D. L. Chapin and J. W. H. Chi (Westinghouse) Parametric systems analysis for tandem mirror hybrids. Proc. of Fourth Topical Meeting, the Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, U.S. Department of Energy, October 1980 (published July 1981).
4. K. R. Schultz et al. (General Atomic Company), A gas-cooled blanket for the tandem mirror hybrid reactor. Proc. of Fourth Topical Meeting, The Technology of Controlled Nuclear Fusion, U.S. Department of Energy, October 1980 (published July 1981).
5. D. H. Berwald and J. A. Maniscalco (TRW), Performance and economics analysis of several laser fusion breeder fueled electricity generation systems,Nucl. Technol./Fusion 1 (No. 1, January 1981).