AbstractThis paper aims to investigate the combined effect of circular beam wobbling and varying laser power on crack formation, weld geometry, microstructure and hardness during remote laser welding of AA6082 alloy. AA6082 sheets of 2 mm thickness were joined in overlap weld configuration using wobbling mode remote laser welding at 4 kW, 3 kW and 2.5 kW. Full penetration was achieved in the joints made at 4 kW and 3 kW, with severe crack formation. Welds at 2.5 kW showed partial penetration and no cracks; however, porosity formation was observed. While no significant change was observed in the dendritic structure and compound contents in fusion zones with full penetration, compound clusters dominated by Cu and Si elements were revealed in the seam root region at 2.5 kW (partial penetration). In full penetration welds (4 and 3 kW), the hardness decreased in the center of the fusion zone but increased from the surface to the root zone. However, for the partial penetration weld (2.5 kW), a limited change in the hardness values determined in the same direction was observed.
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
Springer Science and Business Media LLC