1. Kirisci, P.T., Thoben, K.-D., Klein, P., Hilbig, M., Modzelewski, M., Lawo, M., Fennell, A., O’Connor, J., Fiddian, T., Mohamad, Y., Klann, M., Bergdahl, T., Gökmen, H., Klen, E.: Supporting Inclusive Design of Mobile Devices with a Context Model. In: Karahoca, A. (ed.) Advances and Applications in Mobile Computing. InTech (2012) ISBN: 978-953-51-0432-2
2. VICON Consortium. Deliverable 3.1 - System Architecture and Interface Specification (2011)
3. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;K. Helin,2007
4. VICON Consortium. Deliverable 4.5 – Evaluation Procedure Handbook (2012)
5. VICON Consortium. Deliverable 4.4 – Focus group report (to be published, 2012)