1. Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P (2002) Molecular biology of the cell, 4th edn. Garland Science, New York
2. Murray RM, Astrom KJ (2008) Feedback systems: an introduction for scientists and engineers. Princeton University Press, Princeton (The most complete information on this book is available at:
3. Doyle JC, Francis BA, Tannenbaum AR (1992) Feedback control theory. Macmillan, New York
4. Abramovici A, Chapsky J (2000) Feedback control systems: a fast-track guide for scientists and engineerings. Kluwer, Boston
5. Murray RM, Astrom KJ, Boyd SP, Banda SS, Brockett RW, Burns JA, Dahleh MA, Doyle JC, Guckenheimer J, Holland CJ, Khargonekar PP, Kumar PR, Krishnaprasad PS, McRae GJ, Marsden JE, Meyer G, Powers WF, Stein G, Varaiya P (2002) Control in an information rich world. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)/SIAM, Philadelphia