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3. Jaroch, M.P.G. and Graham, J.M.R., “An Evaluation of the Discrete Vortex Method as a Model for the Flow Past a Flat Plate Normal to the Flow with a Long Wake Splitter Plate,” submitted to J. Fluid Mechanics.
4. LeBalleur, J.C., “Strong Matching Method for Computing Transonic Viscous Flows, Including Wakes and Separations,” La Recherché Aérospatiale no. 1981–3, 21–45, English Translation.
5. Melnik, R.E. and Brook, J.W., “Computation of Viscid/Inviscid Interaction on Airfoils with Separated Flow,” Third Symp. Numerical and Physical Aspects of Aero. Flows, Long Beach, CA, pp. (1–21)-(1–37), Jan. 21–24, 1985.