1. H. Schuhmacher, H.J. Brede, R. Henneck, A. Kunz, J.P. Meulders, P. Pihet and U.J. Schrewe: submitted to Phys. Med. Biol., and U.J. Schrewe, H.J. Brede, R. Henneck, S. Gerdung, A. Kunz, H.G. Menzel, J.P. Meulders, P. Pihet, H. Schuhmacher, and I. Slypen: contribution to this conference
2. R. Henneck, C. Gysin, M. Hammans, J. Jourdan, W. Lorenzon, M.A. Pickar, I. Sick, S. Burzynski and T. Stammbach: Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 259, 329 (1987)
3. M. Bosman, P. Leleux, P. Lipnik, P. Macq, J.P. Meulders, R. Petit, C. Pirart and G. Valenduc: Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A148, 363 (1978)
4. R.A. Cecil, B.D. Anderson and R. Madey: Nucl. Instrum. and Meth. 161, 439 (1979)
5. J.K. Dickens: Scinful, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1988), Report: ORNL-6462